
Common Mullein Plant and Flowers

Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is known by a number of common names including, great mullein, devil's-tobacco, donkey's ears and torch flower, velvet dock, big taper, candle-wick, flannel-leaf, Jacob's staff, mullein dock blanket-leaf and velvet-leaf. Its a medicinal plant and is widely used for herbal remedies.

Common Mullein Plant
Common Mullein Flower


  1. Hello (sorry, I don't know your name)
    My name is Bernie and I love many weeds. The noble and useful/beautiful ones anyway.
    Thank you for creating this site.
    I'm a fan of mullein. Just love their strength and style. I have a photo of a pair of huge Great Mullein that I would like to share with you. They grew in our side yard along with a patch of yellow ox eye daisys. How can I send you a pic?

  2. Thanks Bernie for your visit and comment. It's highly appreciated. You can send your pic to my email address:

  3. Hello sir I am patient of breath disease please do you sent me information about where I can get mullein for tea in Pakistan ?.thanks.

  4. Dear Hamza Latif mullein is a common plant and can be easily located along field and road side. Ask in your local herbal store, if it's not available there, Then I will help you. By the way which part of the plant you need?


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